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Other Samples

  • Sample tiles from our stock batches

    Sample tiles from our stock batches

    Are you interested in ordering from our Stock tiles?

    Zellige Stock Terrazzo Stock Cement Tile Stock Granito Stock

    Call our customer service team to receive a single tile from the batch of your choice.

    contact us

  • Customisation

    Custom Tile

    Custom pattern or design

    Send us your designs or ideas; our technical team will evaluate them, and within 2 weeks we can manufacture your custom pattern sample. For creative customers or restorations. Available with Terrazzo patterns, Granito and Cement tiles, as well as Zellige panels.

    Bespoke shapes and sizes

    We manufacture special shapes and sizes to fit your project. Contact our technical team.

    Bespoke shapes and sizes

    Custom colours

    Personalised Colours

    We can manufacture custom colours and Terrazzo mixes. Contact our customer service team for costs and lead times.

    contact us

  • Colours box

    Colour box

    Zellige Colour box
    A selection of 48 Zellige colours in 5x5cm

    zellige box

    Cement Colour book
    Our 72 Cement colours

    cement box

    Granito Colour book
    A selection of 32 Granito colours

    granito box

    contact us

  • Colour charts

    Colour chart

    Colour references books on paper support.
    They are available in our showrooms and send together with your orders of colour sample.

    contact us

I have a sample code

Dont' have a sample code?

Browse and choose the colours and materials for your project, contact our team to get a sample code and unlock the shop. We ship a maximum of 7 samples, the first 3 are free of charge. Shipping costs not included.

contact our team, get your code